Michal Bedrna’s alma mater is the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague. Michal joined Bedrna & Partners in 1993 and practices as attorney since 1997.
Michal Bedrna concentrates mainly on the real estate law and has long experience in representation of major players on the real estate market. Michal also provides complex legal services within the commercial law, especially concerning corporate problems and representation before courts and other authorities.
Michal Bedrna speaks Czech and English.
Martin Krejza graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague, where he was also later awarded a PhD degree in civil law, commercial law and civil procedure.
Martin provides his clients with complex legal services on business matters, executes legal analyses and represents in contractual matters, judicial proceedings as well as extra-judicial settlement of disputes.
Martin Krejza speaks Czech, German and Russian.
Jan Balarin finished graduate studies at the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague in 2003 and since then he is a member of Bedrna & Partners. Jan has been admitted to the Bar in 2007. Jan is also active in the Centre for Comparative Law of the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague and in 2011 was awarded a PhD degree in law.
Jan Balarin practices in the field of civil and commercial contractual law, intellectual property law (especially copyright issues) and IT law. Jan’s second focus is civil litigation and particularly certain specific aspects of court procedure, such as cross-border disputes.
Standard of Proof in Czech Civil Procedure. In: Tichý L. (ed.), Standard of Proof in Europe. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2019, 161-180
Consumer Collective Redress in the Czech Republic: Current Situation and Perspectives. In: Simon R., Müllerová H. (eds.), Efficient Collective Redress Mechanisms in Visegrad 4 Countries: An Achievable Target? Praha: Institute of State and Law of the Czech Academy of Sciences 2019, 56-68
K fenoménu hromadné žaloby [The Phenomenon of Collective Actions: A Contribution to the Discussion]. Právní rozhledy 13-14/2019, 489 et seq. (with A. Janoušková)
Komentář ke smlouvám příkazního typu [Commentary on Mandate-Type Contracts]. In: Petrov J., Výtisk M., Beran V. et al., Občanský zákoník. Komentář. 2nd Edition. Praha: C. H. Beck 2019, 2603-2649
Míra důkazu a důkazní břemeno v kontextu hodnocení důkazů v soudní praxi [Standard of Proof and Burden of Proof in the context of Evaluation of Evidence in Court Practice]. Bulletin advokacie 1-2/2019, 25-33
Kupní smlouva v novém občanském zákoníku. Komentář [Contract of Sale in the New Civil Code. Commentary]. C. H. Beck, Prague 2014 (with L. Tichý and P. J. Pipková)
Kolektivní ochrana práv v civilním soudním řízení [Collective Protection of Rights in the Civil Procedure]. CPK, Právnická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy, Prague 2011
Poznámky k (absenci) principu dobré víry v návrhu občanského zákoníku [Comments on (the Absence of) the Good-Faith Principle in the Draft Civil Code]. Bulletin advokacie 2011, no. 1-2, 25-34
Efficiency of Protection of Collective Interests: Judicial and Administrative Enforcement with Regard to the Czech Republic, in Cafaggi, F., Micklitz, H.-W. New Frontiers of Consumer Protection. The Interplay Between Public and Private Enforcement. Intersentia, 2009 (with L. Tichý)
Představuje protiprávní rozsudek vždy překážku věci rozsouzené? [Does a Wrongful Judgment Always Constitute Res Judicata?] Právní rozhledy, vol. 17 (2009), 639-648 (with L. Tichý)
In addition to Czech, Jan speaks English, German and Russian.
Eva Krbcová has a master's degree in law by the Palacký University in Olomouc. She practices law as an attorney registered with the Czech Bar Association since 2010. She joined the Bedrna & Partners in 2016 as an associate.ince 2008.
Within her practice, Eva specializes in providing legal services in the following areas: general corporate law, real estate, including planning & zoning regulations, dispute resolution, including litigation.
English, German (working knowledge)
Petra Kněžourová graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Charles University in Prague in 2009 and she practices as a legal counsel from the same year.
Petra Kněžourová provides legal services in the area of civil contractual law. Her second focus is representing clients in administrative and criminal proceedings, especially as regards economic issues. Petra Kněžourová has also valuable experience with public procurement law.
Petra Kněžourová speaks Czech and English.
Michaela Pechová Vosátková is a graduate of the Law Faculty of the University of West Bohemia in Plzeň – she received her bachelor's degree in public administration and, subsequently, master's degree in general law. She successfully passed the rigorosum exam in 2006.
Michaela practices law since 2005, for the most part as a member of the Czech Bar association.
Michaela Pechová Vosátková provides complex legal services to individuals, businesses and, with particular emphasis, NGOs. She is experienced in family law (including family estate planning) and criminal law. She frequently represents clients before administrative courts.
Language skills:
Michaela Pechová Vosátková speaks Czech and German.
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